From the Book - First edition.
Introduction - What Are Fungi? - About the Book - Nomenclature and Taxonomy - Morphology and Phylogeny - Biology of Mushrooms - Mushroom Ecology - When and Where to Find Mushrooms - Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms
How to Identify Mushrooms
THE MUSHROOMS - Key to Mushroom Body Forms
Light-Spored Gilled Mushrooms - Chanterelles - Pleurotoid Fungi - Genera Lactarius and Russula - Hygrophoroid Fungi - Genus Amanita - Lepiotoid Fungi - Tricholomatoid Fungi - Clitocyboid and Omphalinoid Fungi - Marasmioid and Gymnopoid Fungi - Mycenoid Fungi
Pink-Spored Gilled Mushrooms
Dull Brown, Tobacco-Brown, and Olive Brown-Spored Gilled Mushrooms
Yellowish Brown, Rusty Brown, and Reddish Brown-Spored Gilled Mushrooms - Genus Cortinarius
Dark-Spored Gilled Mushrooms - Genus Agaricus - Coprinoid Fungi - Genera Lacrymaria, Panaeolus, Psathyrella, and Allies - Genera Hypholoma, Psilocybe, Stropharia, and Allies - Genera Chroogomphus and Gomphidius
Thelephoroid and Stereoid Fungi
-Puffballs, Earthstars, Stinkhorns, and Bird's Nest Fungi
Morels, False Morels, and Elfin Saddles
-Truffles and False Truffles.