Part I. Traits. "It's all about me!" : how to raise kids who aren't (overly) selfish --
"This is too hard" : how to raise kids who are ambitious, resilient, and motivated --
"You're dumb and ugly!" : how to raise kids who don't bully, and who help those who are bullied --
"I'm telling the truth, dammit!" : how to raise kids who won't lie or swear, or at least, not when it matters --
"Girls can't do that" : how to raise kids who aren't sexist --
"I'm perfect" : how to raise kids who have healthy self-esteem-but aren't narcissistic --
"Her skin looks dirty" : how to raise kids who aren't racist --
Part II. Strategies. "You can't make me!" : shaping behavior and values --
"I hate my brother" : helping siblings get along --
"Where's the iPad?" : managing screens, games, and social media --
"When I touch it, it gets bigger!" : talking to kids about sex and pornography.