Mean John and the Jack-o-lantern (an Irish folktale) / Michael J. Caduto
The vain girl and the handsome visitor (based on a Mexican urban legend) / Olga Loya
The gingerbread boy (a Kentucky folktale) / Mary Hamilton
The mournful Lady of Binnorie (based on a Scottish ballad) / Bobbie Pell
The angel of river road (based on a family story) / Larry G. Brown
One lace glove (a Civil War ghost story) / Lorna MacDonald Czarnota
The boy who drew cats (a Japanese folktale) / Judy Sima
The greyman of Pawleys Island (based on maritime legend) / Timothy E. Dillinger
Simon and the magic catfish (a folktale from the southern United States) / Nat Whitman
The red satin ribbon (an American variant of a European legend) / Martha Hamilton and Mitch Weiss
The dauntless girl (a British folktale) / Margaret Read MacDonald
Shut up, Billy! (an original tale with a traditional twist) / Jim May
Ain't nobody here (an African-American folktale) / Lyn Ford
Outside the door (based on U.S. campus lore) / Richard and Judy Dockery Young
Tío Mono y La Lechusa (based on Mexican folk legend) / Gregorio C. Pedroza
Johnny and the dead man's liver (an African-American folktale) / James "Sparky" Rucker
Aaron Kelly's bones (based on Appalacian and African-American folklore) / Kevin Cordi
The snow ghost (based on Irish and Scottish folklore) / Wendy Ghost
Pretty maid Ibronka (a Hungarian folktale) / Mary Grace Ketner
Mia's ghost (an original story) / Robert D. San Souci.