Diez deditos = Ten little fingers
Tengo manita = I have a little hand
Sí se puede! = Yes, I can!
Vamos a cantar = Let's sing
Debajo del botón = Under a button
Una rata vieja = Pancha, the old rat
La pulga de San José = The flea market of San Jose
Este chiquito y bonito = This one is little and pretty
Cuando vayas al mercado = When you go to the marketplace
Tortillitas = Corn tortillas
Este compró un huevito = This one bought a little egg
Que llueva = Bring the rain
La casa de Peña = Mrs. Blue Sky
Campana sobre campana = Christmas bells
Mi conejito = My Easter bunny
Cinco pollitos = Five little chickies
La tía Mónica = My Aunt Monica
Las ruedas del camión = The wheels on the bus
Pulgarcito = Where is Thumbkin?
En nuestra tierra tan linda = On our beautiful planet earth
De San Francisco vengo = I come from San Francisco
Adiós, amigos = Good-bye, my friends.